Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Death of Truth..a warning to the 3rd Angel's Messengers.

By Chris Hedges—The use of vast global resources against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks presages a dystopian world where anyone who exposes corruption, lies and crimes of power will be branded a terrorist.

Truthdig - The Death of Truth

Monday, July 8, 2013

President of Leading Nation, Capital of the Caribbean Trinidad and Tobago,gets direct invitation to the Vatican

PRESIDENT Anthony Carmona (Trinidad and Tobago also a "Devoted Catholic ") is due to meet Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, on a State visit to Vatican, Rome, Italy next week. Carmona is scheduled to leave for Rome next Thursday, July 4, and will have an audience with the Pope on Saturday, July 6. Newsday understands His Excellency was invited to meet the Pope when he was listed by the Vatican as being among the few Heads of State who are followers of the Catholic faith. Carmona will make the official visit with his wife, Reema. Newsday was unable to confirm whether their children, Christian, 11, and Anura, eight, will make the trip. Newsday has learned that Archbishop of Port-of-Spain Joseph Harris was last month notified by the Vatican of the invitation to Carmona to make the State visit. Carmona attends the Church of the Assumption, Maraval and St Theresa’s RC Church, Woodbrook. Efforts to contact officials of the Archdiocese in Port-of-Spain were unsuccessful but there are reports that the Catholic community in Port-of-Spain and Fyzabad, where Carmona grew up, are overjoyed by the Vatican’s invitation. It will be the Vatican’s first invitation to a Head of State in Trinidad and Tobago, to visit the Holy See. His Excellency will be afforded all of the protocols associated with a Head of State’s visit to the Vatican. Carmona’s cousin, Sister Antonette Fahay, principal of the Home for the Mentally Retarded in Vistabella, could not be reached last night for a comment, but a source said she was elated by the Vatican’s invitation. Coincidently, Carmona leaves for Italy on the day his father, Dennis Stephen Carmona celebrates his 88th birthday. Newsday was unable to ascertain the duration of Carmona’s visit and when he will return to the country. On Monday, Carmona appointed four commissioners to the Integrity Commission, and they are expected to be sworn in and issued their instruments of appointment before the President leaves for Rome. The controversy surrounding the commission’s chairman Kenneth Gordon meeting at his Glencoe home with Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley is ongoing with the Law Association, being the latest organisation to deem Gordon’s action as wrong and improper.

Story Created: Jul 6, 2013 at 10:16 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jul 6, 2013 at 10:41 PM ECT

President Anthony Carmona spent five hours at the Vatican in Rome, Italy yesterday with his family.
Carmona left Trinidad and Tobago on Thursday night with his wife, Reema, his two children, his aide-de-camp, an assistant and a security officer.
They arrived in Rome and were officially received at the airport by Vatican officials and the Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago to the Holy See Margaret Allison King-Rousseau.
A statement from the Apostolic Nunciature in St Clair yesterday said following the receiving ceremony, Carmona and his delegation were escorted by motorcades of Italian police to their hotel in Rome.
Carmona’s itinerary at the Vatican was precisely mapped out, so that at 10 a.m. he and his delegation, escorted by Italian police were accompanied at the border of the Italian and Vatican states (Saint Peter’s Square).
By 10.15 a.m. Vatican police were expected to escort Carmona and the delegation through Vatican City at the Courtyard San Damaso, where they were to receive the official honours by the Swiss Guard and other Vatican authorities.
At 11 a.m. President Carmona was introduced by His Excellency Msgr Gänswein to the Private Studio of Pope Francis for a private meeting, while the delegation stayed in the library with the Chief of Protocol and other Vatican officials.
Pope Francis and Carmona left the private studio of the Pope for the library where Carmona would have presented the members of his family and the delegation to Pope Francis.
Following which there would have been an exchange of gifts.
Carmona and his delegation were expected to return to Vatican City at 2.30 p.m. led by a protocol official to visit the Sistine Chapel, which is a selected section of the Vatican Museum (Raphael’s Rooms) and Saint Peter’s Basilica.
The delegation was scheduled to leave Vatican City at approximately 4 p.m. through the Vatican Gardens.

I am reminded of this story 

Cover Story: The Holy Alliance

Only President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II were present in the Vatican Library on Monday, June 7, 1982. It was the first time the two had met, and they talked for 50 minutes. In the same wing of the papal apartments, Agostino Cardinal Casaroli and Archbishop Achille Silvestrini met with Secretary of State Alexander Haig and Judge William Clark, Reagan's National Security Adviser. Most of their discussion focused on Israel's invasion of Lebanon, then in its second day; Haig told them Prime Minister Menachem Begin had assured him that the invasion would not go farther than 25 miles inside Lebanon.
But Reagan and the Pope spent only a few minutes reviewing events in the Middle East. Instead they remained focused on a subject much closer to their heart: Poland and the Soviet dominance of Eastern Europe. In that meeting, Reagan and the Pope agreed to undertake a clandestine campaign to hasten the dissolution of the communist empire. Declares Richard Allen, Reagan's first National Security Adviser: "This was one of the great secret alliances of all time."
The operation was focused on Poland, the most populous of the Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe and the birthplace of John Paul II. Both the Pope and the President were convinced that Poland could be broken out of the Soviet orbit if the Vatican and the U.S. committed their resources to destabilizing the Polish government and keeping the outlawed Solidarity movement alive after the declaration of martial law in 1981.
Until Solidarity's legal status was restored in 1989 it flourished underground, supplied, nurtured and advised largely by the network established under the auspices of Reagan and John Paul II. Tons of equipment -- fax machines (the first in Poland), printing presses, transmitters, telephones, shortwave radios, video cameras, photocopiers, telex machines, computers, word processors -- were smuggled into Poland via channels established by priests and American agents and representatives of the AFL-CIO and European labor movements. Money for the banned union came from CIA funds, the National Endowment for Democracy, secret accounts in the Vatican and Western trade unions.
Lech Walesa and other leaders of Solidarity received strategic advice -- often conveyed by priests or American and European labor experts working undercover in Poland -- that reflected the thinking of the Vatican and the Reagan Administration. As the effectiveness of the resistance grew, the stream of information to the West about the internal decisions of the Polish government and the contents of Warsaw's communications with Moscow became a flood. The details came not only from priests but also from spies within the Polish government.

Read more:,9171,159069,00.html#ixzz2YVOu2RiR

Take A look at the final rise of the Papacy as It enters into the Glorious Land USA and the countries of the World on its way to ascendance to  the throne of the earth once my by Influence .Bible shows it clearly here. .


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