Monday, January 12, 2009

Babylon and Its dececptive plan

Are you Deceived or Are you not Entertained?

Acts 13:10 And said, O full of all subtlety and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?
The systems, religion, culture of ancient Rome and those of this time, the end time bears remarkable similarities.
Entertainment was essential part of daily life in Ancient Rome. As noted by Juvenal, it seemed
that all Romans were interested in was "bread and circuses." And with theaters, amphitheaters,
circuses, and public baths galore, the Romans never seemed to get bored.
While unbeknown to the populace behind the scene faceless and nameless; groups with Christian cloaks
(Roman in nature )set the agenda’s of the day.

Sport was one way to distract and beguile the masses, while Roman corrupt government taxed the citizenry.
Officials of the senate in VIP quarters witness battles of there favorite knights and warriors of whom silver coins bearing the emperors face were in the balance pending the outcomes of there wager.
In today’s world the appetite to be entertained is no less, The NBA, NFL, European soccer champions league football, rugby, boxing, fishing, horse racing, wrestling, people chasing balls of all shape ,size and color has fill every spare time that we have.
Recreation is good, I played soccer and up to recently tennis,but when the life becomes consume with an activity within a system design to distract and make money off people one should take note of the bigger picture.In every conceivable means the drive for economic gain has been center of all this gladiating from way back when to now. Nothing has change ,the stadium, the chanting and cheering .Today we stay in our homes and witness the carnage, the trill of victory or the agony of defeat even the “tremendous shot. We have come a long way even now our bets can be place with the click of a mouse.

Modern chariots vs Ancient chariots

Modern Gladiators vs ancient ones who fought till the death

New and Old stadium

To Muse= To think
Amuse=Not to think

These are the old and new centers where people pay to go and "NOT TO THINK"about the realities of there lives but on the make belief of others" interesting isn't it?"

Theater was design to distract in Roman time from the realities of the kingdom.You see while Rome was conquering abroad and over-extending its self into new territory, financing the wars became difficult.
so the Romans at home were taxed heavily life became burden some .The Authorities would have to device a plan to remove people from the reality of the Republic. Why not give them Theatrics? entertain them some more,distract them.The Emperors would soon learn that it was not possible for any lengthy time to build an Empire via conquest and maintain a republic. THE UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA IS NOW LEARNING THAT LESSON.
In Ancient Rome, plays were presented at the time of the games on contemporary wooded stages. The first such permanent Roman theater was ordered to be built by Pompey in 55 BC, eventually erected on the Campus Martius at Rome. Built of stone, it had a seating capacity of 27,000. Essentially patterned after the Greek theater, it differed in the respect that it was built on level ground.
Again designed to appease ,distract and neutralize the populace while the governing bodies implement there plans.Some theaters were excavated out of the sides of hills, the circular space located in front of the stage in a Greek theater was called the orchestra, where choruses and actors performed. Since Roman plays usually lacked a true chorus, the area in front of the stage which might have been an orchestra simply became a semicircular area.Women were allowed in mimes and pantomimes, which were more popular than typical plays but eventually degenerated into vulgar and disgusting tastelessness.

The majority of individual if you Ask do you think you are deceive by Hollywood?
Would say of course no!
That’s deception; you don’t know it till you get out of it. There is no doubt that there is an orchestrated move by HOLLYWOOD to distract deceive and most importantly indoctrinate with each Generation getting increasing blows. The themes running in Hollywood at this time are as follows: Get more cynical or hilarious, Get more outrageous, get more violent, get more anti-family (homosexuality),get more loud, more sex,get rich quick.All of which God warns us against.
As the planned program of desensitization continues remember that a Holly is a plant, a wood that that is used to cast spells, they are the tool of magicians, sorcerers.
Are you being deceived? In your own homes?. Is Hollywood preparing you and your kids for some great period of deception. Maybe if you have a clue as to who runs the people that runs the people that runs Hollywood. ( that was no typo error) .Then you will stand up and take note.
With a corrupt heavy hand. The plan continues today. “According to Benjamin Disraeli,
the Victorian-era Prime Minister of Britain,”
The world is governed by people far different from those imagined by the public."
It appears that when President Woodrow Wilson said. "There is a power so organized, so
Subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath
When they speak in condemnation of it." he was referring to the Illumin (ones)ati.
Kennedy payed the price when he made the speech about certain societies.

2 Peter 1:16 this text warns us .
Coming soon . The remainder of this post where the same system have corrupted and polluted the hearts of many in preparation for the grand rejection of God and his word that is taken place today.Many shall be lost because of this Organization Romish customs and the traditions of men rather by the unadulterated teaching of Christ and His Word The Bible,stay tune .

Gods speed and His blessing.

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