Thursday, August 27, 2009

Inquisitional Laws are coming to being .The Irish kicks starts what will soon be in place around the globe

August 25, 2009

On August 23, 2009 the government of Ireland announced plans to reenact an old Vatican law from eons ago. A law that was designed to assure Rome plenty of Christian flesh as fuel for the “celebration fires” of their Inquisition. Here is a short excerpt from an article that speaks of this “new” law being proposed…

DUBLIN — The Irish government plans to bring into force a new law in October that critics say is a return to medieval justice.

The legislation, aimed at providing judges with clear direction on the 1937 Constitution’s blasphemy prohibition, imposes a fine of up to 25,000 euros — about $39,000 — for anyone who “publishes or utters matter that is [intentionally meant to be] grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion.”

Police with a search warrant will be able to enter private premises and use “reasonable force” to obtain incriminating evidence. -Source

The vagueness of the law will no doubt be the basis of its composition as this will allow for massive gray areas to work with inside the courts. The Roman prelates in the mostly Catholic nation of Ireland will use this to their advantage so as to “try” to prevent the present truth from spreading. With the soon to arrive New World Order, a law like this on the books in any nation will eventually become the norm in all nations as we see happening with Canadian and American law emulation. The NWO pro-Catholic agenda is a must seeing how the Vatican has already been slated to be the globe’s “moral authority” on earth. Back in June of 2000 they solidified their stance when they got all churches to join with them, including the SDA church in their prophecied One World church, or as Rome calls it, the “United Religions Initiative.” (By the way, the National Council of Churches in each nation is considered “local” chapters of the URI)

Back when Rome was killing the Christians during their 1260 year prophecied first run, they would declare it blasphemy if you spoke out against their Eucharist god. (communion wafer) In fact, many of their extra biblical doctrines were used as reasons to condemn many to the flames during this time. Truth is, this power is prophecied to return for Rome. It won’t last anywhere near as long of course, but it will return. To further illustrate their evil plans to get the ball rolling in this “blasphemy” agenda is on track; just recently they added Mary to their list of “gods” in Rome so as to have another item they can place in their blasphemy plate. Kinda like the cops that pull you over for a burned out light on your license plates. They must make sure they have at their disposal any “legal” reason to get their clutches on you. In fact, they already started testing their blasphemy agenda in our day. During John Paul II’s reign, he actually had 5 web sites shut down because he believed it blasphemed Mary. Yes, those that understand Bible doctrine know that it’s impossible to blaspheme Mary because she’s not a “god.” But Rome believes she’s is a god, and therefore speaking about her in a negative way is considered blasphemous.

The way this law appears to be worded, it looks to allow any religion (on good terms with Rome) to step up to declare blasphemy if you so much as speak ill of them. Imagine.. a new religion pops up declaring ash trays to be a god. Someone walks up, puts out a cigarette in the face of this new god, and they are fined $39,000.00 Yes, it seems ludicrous, but plaster statues in the Catholic churches are nothing more than man made items like ash trays. And we all know how Rome worships these statues. With that said, if you walk up to a statue of Mary and use Exodus 20:4-6 (Commandment #2) to expose it as a sin, will it cost you $39,000.00? As far as the wording of the law is now, yes.

Truth is, Rome has been proven to blaspheme the true God thousands of times over the last 1470 years. I can’t imagine how many biblically proven blasphemous statements are on the Vatican website at present. Yet… since Rome has all the power via the global courts, (as fleeting as it is) they can more or less do as they please. Well, at least until Jesus returns.

Truth is, using a Bible, a babe in Christ can prove Rome blasphemes daily. But now that the Bible is considered hate speech thanks to Roman doctrines being embraced by Law. Case in point, the mostly Catholic Supreme Court Judges in the USA consider the Bible a dangerous book. Is this why the Vatican has been so busy censoring the Bible lately? Ok.. that one’s a no-brainer. In any event, with all this hatred of Christianity flourishing in Vatican power circles, one can foresee a dismal future for those that seek to preach Christian truth. But then, that too was prophecied.



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