Friday, December 2, 2011

"fiscal union"= Lost of sovereignty,Total controle=Revelation 13:16,17

Before you read on what the BBC has to say about a FISCAL UNION it would prudent to understand what this term really mean. 

Wikki Says :
Fiscal union is the integration of the fiscal policy of nations or states. Under fiscal union decisions about the collection and expenditure of taxes are taken by common institutions, shared by the participating governments. For example, in federal nations such as the United States, fiscal policy is determined to a large extent by the central government, which is empowered to raise taxes, borrow and spend. It is often proposed that the European Union adopt a form of fiscal union. Most member states of the EU participate in economic and monetary union (EMU), based on the euro currency, but most decisions about taxes and spending remain at the national level.
Control over fiscal policy is a traditionally considered central to national sovereignty, and today there is no substantial fiscal union between independent nations. However the EU has certain limited fiscal powers. It has a role in deciding the level of VAT (consumption taxes) and tariffs on external trade. It also spends a budget of many billions of euro. There is furthermore a Stability and Growth Pact among members of the Eurozone (common currency area) intended to co-ordinate the fiscal policies of member states.

Today's BBC news says:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said Europe is working towards setting up a "fiscal union", in a bid to resolve the eurozone's debt crisis.
She told the Bundestag that a new EU treaty was needed to set up such a union and impose budget discipline.
On Monday she is to meet French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has also called for EU treaty changes.
EU leaders have been under pressure to do more to tackle the debt crisis, amid concern about the survival of the euro.
In her speech, Mrs Merkel promised "concrete steps towards a fiscal union" - in effect close integration of the tax-and-spend polices of individual eurozone countries, with Brussels imposing penalties on members that break the rules.
"We need budget discipline and effective crisis management mechanism," she said. "So we need to change the treaties or create new treaties."

not included in the article is the definition of the word "TREATY" :
A treaty is an express agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely sovereign states and international organizations. A treaty may also be known as an (international) agreement, protocol, covenant, convention or exchange of letters, among other terms. Regardless of terminology, all of these forms of agreements are, under international law, equally considered treaties and the rules are the same.[1]
Treaties can be loosely compared to contracts: both are means of willing parties assuming obligations among themselves, and a party to either that fails to live up to their obligations can be held liable under international law.

Article continues  : The German government has been pressing for changes to establish powers to veto national budgets in the eurozone that breach agreed rules.
"We have started a new phase in European integration," Mrs Merkel said.

But she made it clear that this was a long-term process that would take years.
On Thursday, Mr Sarkozy said a new European treaty governing relations between members was necessary to protect Europe's place in the world.
"We must confront those who doubt the stability of the euro and speculate on its break-up with total solidarity," Mr Sarkozy said.
Mr Sarkozy said the euro could not continue to exist unless eurozone economies pulled together, with France and Germany playing a key role to ensure "a zone of stability".
However Mr Sarkozy rejected suggestions that national budgets could be approved and regulated in Brussels, and said France would not give up its sovereignty.
No 'joint liability' In her speech on Friday, Mrs Merkel also reiterated her opposition to the European Central Bank (ECB) issuing "eurobonds" backed by all eurozone members.
"A joint liability for others' debts is not acceptable," she said. "Eurobonds are not a rescue measure in this crisis."
She added: "National responsibility and European solidarity serve each other."
Many in Germany argue that eurobonds would penalise countries with a high credit rating, and reduce the incentive of indebted governments to reform.

Analysts also say Berlin is opposed to wholesale intervention by the ECB because of the country's experience of hyperinflation in the 1920s.
However Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung daily said Mrs Merkel was willing to see the ECB step up its buying of bonds from indebted eurozone countries, as a bridging solution until budget controls took hold.
During their meeting in Paris on Monday, Mr Sarkozy and Mrs Merkel are to agree on joint proposals to be put to a meeting of European leaders next week.
Many analysts see that summit as a crucial moment in efforts to tackle the debt crisis.
European stock markets rose early on Friday, as Europe's leaders call for closer economic integration as the way to resolve the debt crisis
Meanwhile Mr Sarkozy is discussing the eurozone crisis with UK Prime Minister David Cameron in Paris.
Britain is concerned about the possible impact of a two-speed Europe, in which it could be left on the margins along with other countries outside the euro.

Royalblood: Now if the Eurozone challenge is solved or if the European Union succeed then many nations will see light in adopting such methods or may be forced to unite with others to remain competitive while giving up sovereignty . The Bible shows a world united by Zones  controle by 10 kings see here
We know a United, a grouped of nations are easier to control rather than all these nations doing there own thing.  Thus the stage will be set for Revelation 13:16:17. The control of buying and selling One of the bases in which the Papacy will sit as queen on the throne of the earth for a short time hence bringing in the hidden agenda of persecuting Bible believing Christian like in the dark ages. This time is mentioned in Daniel 11:40-45 in detail and .Then Michael shall stand up Daniel 12:1.Christ Will stand up putting and end to all Evil and sin in the World.
Give your life to Jesus now, And he will bring more light(truth) He is the way the truth and the Light.John 14:6

Perfect peace to you as we see on the horizon a perfect storm.

"The enemy has used the chain of dependence to draw men together. They have united to destroy God's image in man, to counterwork the gospel by perverting its principles. They are represented in God's word as being bound in bundles to be burned. Satan is uniting his forces for perdition."{{Vol 6 Testimonies to the church  241.5}  written in 1901

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