Friday, January 25, 2013

The culiminating events of Earths History in the News even today


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Gods watchmen have been publishing for years now via sermons and presentation the role of Islam in Bible prophecy.
The Bible evidence presented shows that Islam is the entity that brings the United Nations(The Dragon), the Papacy(Beast) and America(the False Prophet) together Revelation 16:13,19. These three entities individually cannot and will not deal with Islam and thus Rev 17's New world Order or Modern Babylon cannot come about without the catalyst Islam.

It is by the Woes mentioned in  Revelation 9and11 that Daniel 11:40-45  the final events before Michael stands up in Daniel 12:1 is given the ignition, the fuel is present what the world waits on is the igniter. For a complete study on Daniel 11:40-45 click here. See  why Daniel 11:40-45 is the third angels message in events that brings the third angel's experience righteousness by faith. The events and the experience are not the same. Gods word and purpose is fulfilled the same as in histories past. The first angels message was Daniel 8:14 that brought the experience of putting away sin in the histories of 1840-44 known as the Second Advent movement. The third Angel will be no different. These prophetic events in Dan 1140-45 f  brings the dead dry bones alive. study the 37th Chapter of Ezekiel .

The Pioneers of Adventism lectured showing Islam's role in empowering the 1st angels message in 1840.
It was a prophecy concerning Islam that gave force to the 1st angels message .The 2300 days cleansing of the Sanctuary  and the prophecy of Islam in Rev 9:15  "  for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men "  both used the same year day principle in Numbers14:34 ,Ezekiel4:6,Gen7:24,Gen 8:3,4. Thus if  the Ottomans empire(Islam) which started in July 27, 1449  should last as the text says in Rev9:15 an hour a day a month a year which is 391yrs and 15 days then 2300 days would  prove true, and yes it did prove true. Calculations prove July 27th 1449+ 391yrs and 15 days lands us in August 11th, 1840. This prophecy of the fall of the Ottomans empire was fulfilled to the exact day. 
It is with this most watched and talked about time prophecy that lead even heathens to believe the 2300 days doctrine to be true in 1840-44. Josiah Litch one of the leading advent movement preachers predicted via the study of the trumpets in Revelation chapters 8 and 9 published an article world wide on the 1 August 1840 ten days before its fulfilment .We can see in the Book "The Great Controversy " under the chapter 18 An American Reformer page 334 The Author shows "at the very time specified " Turkey( Ottomans)  gave up their power. It was on this day August 11,1840 the Ottomans based in Turkey fell ..The Millerite preachers use this chart on the right to make clear there understanding of the many time prophecies that was fulfilled before and leading up to their day. Though the Millerites got the event wrong, they later understood that it was the Sanctuary in heaven (Daniel 8:14)that was cleansed ;an event that must take place before the investigative judgement begin. This and other bible evidence in the book of Hebrews is where we SDA get there understanding that there is a Sanctuary in heaven and Christ The High Priest  is interceding and pleading his blood for the souls of men who accept Him as their Saviour and show their love to him by keeping his commandments.John 14:15.

God shows the end from what the Beginning looks like.
Islam empowered the Millerite message which is known as the 1st Angel's message in Revelation 14.
Will Islam empower the message Daniel 11:40-45 the 3rd Angels message as it did with Daniel 8:14? 
Note God shows the end from the beginning according to Isaiah 46:9,10.  Thus the 3rd angel message that will be presented to the world is also empowered by  a prophetic message concerning Islam which are listed in the videos below. It is easy to prove that the third woe of Revelations chapters 9 and chapter 11 started in guess what day ? September 11th,2001 better know as 911. Is that a coincidence? In fact Islam's mode and methods are described in Revelation 9:11 Abaddon and Apollyon both in the Hebrew and Greek means DESTRUCTION. The locust like warriors mention all over the bible is linked with the dessert and the Children of the East all over Scripture. And we see the same way they became a force to be reckon with in the past 2 woes are being repeated now even as we speak as you see in the video above from CNN .
A short study on this is here presented, in this you will see there was a sealing time during all the woe periods.
Thus if there were times during the past 2 woes for Gods people to be receiving truth and living by such truths, then in the 3rd woe which we see started in 911 a sealing must be going on with Gods people presently.

Yo will also see that a Sealing message will come and its up to Gods people to accept it or reject it.
  1. On Mt Carmel Elijah gave a Sealing message.If If Baal Be God serve him if God be God serve Him.
  2. In Christ time John the Baptist the 2nd Elijah was given a sealing message: bring forth fruit evidence of repentance,the Messiah cometh.
  3. The message of the 3rd Elijah (Malachi 4:5) is no different. Prepare to meat thy God and it comes upon the Church first 1Timothy3:15 ,Ezekiel9:6
Now note carefully Islam  is angering the nations again at this time as it distressed  the nations  from 1449-1840. This History is being repeated.  The world powers will seek a conclusive way together to deal with Islam as they did in the past. What started in 911 was the beginning of the 3rd and final woe. Islam by the way labels this period in there own words "the Last and Final Great Jihad". Islam will be dealt with by a world wide effort when they  becomes unbearable. Bible shows the feelings of the Roman empire under the scourge of Islam in Rev 9:6  And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.   This is the torment of Islam, this is terrorism to have men live in fear. And this is what is taking place now as the mighty and the great army is stirring. 

The prophecy of  the Sons of Ishmael the children of the East ,Islam is fulfilling now as we speak .
Gen 16:12  And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. 

It is by this angering of the nations the world will come together ,religions will have all things in common, then we will  see the Protestant America stretching its hand across the gulf to take hold of the hand of the Papal power whose deadly wound would be healed then we have the Sunday Law crisis. And the persecution of the those who follow the commandments of God rather than the commandments of men.


  1. Islam in the bible # 1 - Watch
  2. Islam in the bible # 2 - Watch
  3. Islam in the bible # 3 - Watch
  4. Islam in the bible # 4 - Watch
  5. Islam in the bible # 5 - Watch

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