This is my oath.To bring to the world the reality of our Creator God.His imminent return.And to make known to all the signs leading up to the soon coming judgements that are to fall on this world.My tool the Bible,History and current events. for we have a more sure word of Prophecy.2Peter 1:19
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Homosexuality is “the ticking time bomb in the Catholic Church
From the book the Great Controversy
Chapter 7 Luther's Separation from Rome
Luther was still a true son of the papal church and had no thought that he would ever be anything else. In the providence of God he was led to visit Rome. He pursued his journey on foot, lodging at the monasteries on the way. At a convent in Italy he was filled with wonder at the wealth, magnificence, and luxury that he witnessed. Endowed with a princely revenue, the monks dwelt in splendid apartments, attired themselves in the richest and most costly robes, and feasted at a sumptuous table. With painful misgivings Luther contrasted this scene with the self-denial and hardship of his own life. His mind was becoming perplexed. {GC 124.2} At last he beheld in the distance the seven-hilled city. 125 With deep emotion he prostrated himself upon the earth, exclaiming: "Holy Rome, I salute thee!"--Ibid., b. 2, ch. 6. He entered the city, visited the churches, listened to the marvelous tales repeated by priests and monks, and performed all the ceremonies required. Everywhere he looked upon scenes that filled him with astonishment and horror. He saw that iniquity existed among all classes of the clergy. He heard indecent jokes from prelates, and was filled with horror at their awful profanity, even during mass. As he mingled with the monks and citizens he met dissipation, debauchery. Turn where he would, in the place of sanctity he found profanation. "No one can imagine," he wrote, "what sins and infamous actions are committed in Rome; they must be seen and heard to be believed. Thus they are in the habit of saying, 'If there is a hell, Rome is built over it: it is an abyss whence issues every kind of sin.'"--Ibid., b. 2, ch. 6. {GC 124.3} By a recent decretal an indulgence had been promised by the pope to all who should ascend upon their knees "Pilate's staircase," said to have been descended by our Saviour on leaving the Roman judgment hall and to have been miraculously conveyed from Jerusalem to Rome. Luther was one day devoutly climbing these steps, when suddenly a voice like thunder seemed to say to him: "The just shall live by faith." Romans 1:17. He sprang to his feet and hastened from the place in shame and horror. That text never lost its power upon his soul. From that time he saw more clearly than ever before the fallacy of trusting to human works for salvation, and the necessity of constant faith in the merits of Christ. His eyes had been opened, and were never again to be closed, to the delusions of the papacy. When he turned his face from Rome he had turned away also in heart, and from that time the separation grew wider, until he severed all connection with the papal church. {GC 125.1}
Friday, February 22, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Astroids Balls of Fire will fall on the earth predicted since 1800s
For apple users having problems with these videos you may see the videos here and here or here
Ellen White said back then :
"In the night I was, I thought, in a room but not in my own house. I was in a city, where I knew not, and I heard explosion after explosion. I rose up quickly in bed, and saw from my window large balls of fire. Jetting out were sparks, in the form of arrows, and buildings were being consumed, and in a very few minutes the entire block of buildings was falling and the screeching and mournful groans came distinctly to my ears. I cried out, in my raised position, to learn what was happening: Where am I? And where are our family circle? Then I awoke. But I could not tell where I was for I was in another place than home. I said, Oh Lord, where am I and what shall I do? It was a voice that spoke, “Be not afraid. Nothing shall harm you.” – {11MR 361.1} I was instructed that destruction hath gone forth upon cities. The word of the Lord will be fulfilled. Isaiah 29:19-24 was repeated. I dared not move, not knowing where I was. I cried unto the Lord, What does it mean? These representations of destruction were repeated. Where am I? “In scenes I have represented that which will be; but warn My people to cease from putting their trust in men who are not obedient to my warnings and who despise My reproof, for the day of the Lord is right upon the world when evidence shall be made sure. Those who have followed the voices that would turn things upside down will themselves be turned where they cannot see, but will be as blind men." – {11Maniscript Releases 361.2} – 11MR 361.1-2
In another book she wrote :
"In the visions of the night a very impressive scene passed before me. I saw an immense ball of fire fall among some beautiful mansions, causing their instant destruction. I heard someone say: “We knew that the judgments of God were coming upon the earth, but we did not know that they would come so soon.” Others, with agonized voices, said: “You knew! Why then did you not tell us? We did not know.” On every side I heard similar words of reproach spoken." – {3TT 296.1} – 3TT 296.1
Royalblood :Ellen White saw this in 1800s the judgements are coming upon the earth to warn the inhabitants there is a God and he is merciful. Turn to Him.
You may want to look at this Rigid bible test of a true prophet .The very same lady who predicted what we wittness today predicted many other things and they came true as she said. See her prediction of 911 in New York or here or maybe here also. finally here
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
The next pope
Its been some days now three days now to be exact we have heard the news of the sudden resignation of pope Benedict XVI.
We have heard in the news that the middle of march is the deadline set to select the new bishop of Rome.That makes it three(3) weeks from now that we will have the leader of both the state the (Vatican) and the Church (Catholicism) will have its king sitting on the throne in the Vatican. It would be prudent to note that Catholic means Universal church keep this in mind.
I have been studying Daniel 11:40-45 for the past four years now and it has proven truly to line up with the history of 1798 up to this time. Thus far one verse has predicted not almost but dead on all the historical events that tell us we are in the closing moments of earth's history. The reason why i have confidence in one verse ie verse 40 that its accurate is because we have seen the history from Daniel 11:1 yes verse one to 39 as accurate as the sun's position in the sky. Gods word we can trust.
While I am not making any prophetic forecast i have reason to believe that the next Pope could come from the United States of America. I could be wrong. Maybe the pope coming from anywhere in the world will still lead to the things we know concerning America in Revelation 13. However the time is ripe for Pope coming from America because all the entities in bible prophecy are ready to fulfil their roles.
A complete study on Daniel 11:40-45 could be found here
The Bible says Dan 11:41 HE shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
We are going to deal with this one phrase "HE shall enter also into the glorious land"
The two links above tells us who the "HE" in verse 41 is the King Of The North. We have ascertain from the Bible that the King of the North at the end of the world is the Papacy see the links above.
Now Holy Scripture says He shall enter into the the GLORIOUS LAND in verse 41.
The word for Glory Strong's Hebrew is H6643
From H6638 in the sense of prominence; splendor (as conspicuous); also a gazelle (as beautiful): - beautiful (-ty), glorious (-ry), goodly, pleasant, roe (-buck).
Lets look in the bible to see where we can find in ancient times by its characteristics we can determine the modern Glorious land.
Dan 8:8 Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven. (ie East,West, North and South)
Daniel 8:9. And out of one of them (winds) came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward
the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant [land].
The book of Daniel,chapter 2 tells us the kingdoms that would rule the earth until the end of time.
The History goes like this ,Heads of Gold Babylon, Chest and arms of Silver Medio Persia, Belly and thighs of brass Greece, then Legs of Iron Pagan Rome,Then Iron and clay feet of Papal Rome up to the papal removal as a world power in 1798. This was the deadly wound described in Revelation 13 inflicted on the first beast ,the great and terrible beast. The toes in Daniel 2 represent Modern Rome, the system that resembles old ancient Rome (Iron kingdom), but has the influence of a church (Iron mixed with clay kingdom) is where we see the world divided into 10 regions.This is the New World Order according to Bible.
Daniel 11, the chapter that we are now looking over goes through most of that history starting from Grecian Empire under the rule of Alexander the Great. Daniel 8:8 shows t the Grecian kingdom with the Notable Horn Alexamder himself . Then his kingdom Greece was divided into four (4) warring factions under Alexander's four great Generals historically know as Lysimacous ,Cassander Seleucius and Ptolemy (P silent), this explanation is given in the follwing verses if you mouse over
(Daniel 8:20, Daniel 8:21, Daniel 8:22, Daniel 8:23, Daniel 8:24).This is how Greece under the Great Alexander's Grecian kingdom came to its end as a ruling kingdom on the earth.
The kingdom that followed is Pagan Rome, the Little horn he magnify its self.
Dan 8:9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.
Dan 8:10 And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.
Dan 8:11 Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host.
This is Rome pagan that persecuted the disciples. Saul was the instrument under Rome that persecuted the (stars of heaven the apostles and followers of Christ) Acts7:58 and Act8:1,Acts 8:3, Acts 9:1,Dan 12:3
It was Rome pagan via the Roman Caesars that magnify itself above the Prince of the Host (Christ) to kill him in John 19:10
It was pagan Rome that Waxed Great to south Egypt ,towards the East Syria and towards the place that we have been trying to defined as the PLEASANT LAND Palestine in Judea. Now that we have the events and individual leading up to this Pleasant land we can be sure of its exactness based on the correct historical walk that we just took.
The scripture and History agree that pagan Rome did conquer these three areas at its ascendancy.
- Egypt “toward the south”
- Syria “toward the east”
- Judea “toward the pleasant land”
Bible foretold this would happen after the Babylonian captivity that Gods people will settled down in the pleasant land Judea. Now note the characteristics of the pleasant land,with this information we can see where on the planet is the Modern day PLEASANT LAND.
Jeremiah 3:18, 19
In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north (BABYLON) to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers. But I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? and I said, Thou shalt call me, My father; and shalt not turn away from me.
Exodus 6:7, 8.
And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and ye shall know that
I [am] the LORD your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for an heritage: I [am] the LORD.
Daniel 11:16.
But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him: and he shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed.
The Goodly land is where the Children of God were given was a place of rest and peace, It was a place free from the bondage of torment and slavery where they could worship the God of heaven in peace.It was the the pleasant land the Land where all longed for.
- United States America is where most people in the world wanted to migrate to.
- The USA is a nation of immigrants, people love to go to that land for the American Dream.
- It is USA that many found solace and peace away from the bondage of Kingly rule and Papal persecution.
- It is the USA that many ran to practice free religion under its great constitutional decree,a document that epitomises freedom both civil and religious and justice for all.
- It is in America where the great beacon of protestantism burns brightest.
- It is in America where all protestant headquaters are based the USA is the citadel for protestantism.
- It is the America that is represented in Bible prophecy as the Earth (land) that swallowed up the flood of persecution that came after the woman (the church) out of the dragons mouth (Satan).
For Papal Rome to ascend the throne of the earth for the deadly wound to be heal it has to conquer three geographical obstacles. God shows the end by telling us what the beginning was like .In the beginning of Roman system Pagan Rome overcame three geographical obstacles.
Daniel Dan 8:9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.
Hysterically and prophetically in the Dan 8:9 Rome took out three obstacles to gain the ascendancy on the earth.
Rome did this twice in past histories also in bible you can prove these times.
1st History: Pagan Rome removed three(3) obstacles
- Egypt “toward the south”
- Syria “toward the east”
- Judea “toward the pleasant land”
This time via the help of a STATE power,namely Clovis the king of France who became the sword of the papacy setting him upon the throne of the earth from 538- 1798=1260 days of Revelation 12:14, Dan_7:25,Daniel 12:7. incidentally it was France that set the Papacy up and France that took him down
- Huruli.
- Ostrgoths.
- Vandals
The Bible says on the Testimony of two witnesses a thing is established. Deut 19:15 ,Deut 17:6 Gen41:32,Heb 10:28.Thus we can safely use this Bible principle that the 1st and second History gives us details of the 3rd History which is yet future.
Hence History number 3 tells us about Modern Rome .that is Rome in our day.
Modern Rome Must overcome three(3) obstacles.This information is found as well in Daniel 11:40-45 - King of the South ( Atheism) 1989 fall of Communism , via John Paul .Accomplished
- Glorious Land.(American or Protestantism) headquateredif there is such a word in America (future)
- Egypt finally. Note Egypt represents the World or worldly in Bible prophecy.
Most protestant churches have already shown allegiance to Rome and some are even responding to the call to come back home to mother Rome,but to have the Papal Head from America sit on the thrown of the Vatican is a step towards the protestant America being overthrown. The papacy will see it as conquest to have the pontifical General come from the United states.
Revelation 13 shows a lamb like Beast with two horns or two instrument of its power, namely Republicanism and Protestantism. This is Freedom of the Republic without Kingly rule and secondly Freedom of Religion specifically protestantism.
But the bible talks of a beast that gives power to the great and terrible beast in Revelation13 that cause the Great and Terrible Beast wounds to Heal.
How is this done ? By forming an IMAGE TO THE BEAST. You can only form an image to something by forming a replica of its defining characteristics. The Papacy has always been govern as a church and state power . The Papal Sea is church Craft, the Vatican is its territory and state. The Pope hold reigns of both Priest and King.This was once the case with him being such over the whole world and when this was done the blood of Bible believing Christians flow. Heretics (those who do not acknowledge the doctrines and dictates of Rome were behead, flail,burn at the stake,put in prison and suffer all manure of torture too gruesome to pen. The Joining of church and State by any country will form the image to the beast.And that second beast in Revelation 13 will be the one to cause the deadly wound of the Great and terrible to heal.
Rev 13:11 another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Rev 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Bible says :Rev_13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
Rev_13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
With the lamb like Beast being America,the Pope being American that should make the Dan 11:41 the latter part seamless. The Sunday law a religious law pushed by protestant America under the loving care of an American Pope can certainly move quickly the final events of Earth's history and an image to be the beast is easily formed which will empower once again Papal Rule and Kingly dominion.
Certainly America is speaking like a dragon at this time via its laws and this is what we expect, for a nation speaks via its laws and its ability to Rev 13:12. All the infrastructure is in place.The laws,Detention centres,taking away of the liberties of the people,even the chief justices are all Catholic except one.
The question is are you ready, have you been cleansed from sin, have you given all to Jesus.The only ONE that can save you or keep you saved is Christ in the heart. No other weapon can prevent the works of Satan to have its way .We know from history when the Papacy sitteth on the throne of the earth persecution starts on Bible believing Christians who will then be named as in the past histories as Heretics.
He will enter into the Glorious Land as Daniel 11:41 says.The "how "is probably what we will see in the next 3 weeks. If the Pope is an American and one American , if he is selected the Papacy can bring down Protestantism easy from that point on. the Seat of Protestant America will easily pay homage to an pope of American origin . Protestant who are not protesting anymore is already stretching its hand across the gulf to clasp hands with the Papacy , A Vatican II influenced protestants will easily give over to the "New Catholic Evangelistic thrust. "All the World will wonder after the Beast ". We wait and see
Even if the Pope is not an American Bible prophecy remains accurate while details human reasoning remain sketchy.
perfect peace.
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