Monday, December 7, 2009

A prophet's vision must come to past

You can see i have been reading like mad. I want to share with you some passages from Testimonies Vol 9 written in 1909 of events surrounding April 16- 18 that will blow even the unbeliever away. I have done some research and found on the internet, eye witness accounts to intersperse between what I have been reading .

Testimonies for the church Volume 9 page 92 reads:
'While at Loma Linda, Calif., April 16, 1906, there passed before me a most wonderful representation. During a vision of the night, I stood on an eminence, from which I could see houses shaken like a reed in the wind. Buildings, great and small, were falling to the ground. Pleasure
resorts, theaters, hotels, and the homes of the wealthy were shaken and shattered. Many lives were blotted out of existence, and the air was filled with the shrieks of the injured and the terrified."

Now noticed carefully this is days before this horrific Earthquake.

Independent reports from the eyewitness was recorded in history.This is what google engine search cough up.
source And it reads: The terrifying rumble of an earthquake shattered the early morning silence of April 18 at 5:15 AM. The quake lasted only a minute but caused the worst natural disaster in the nation's history. Modern analysis estimates it registered 8.25 on the Richter scale (By comparison, the quake that hit San Francisco on October 17, 1989 registered 6.7). Three eye witnesses described their experiences: "Of a sudden we had found ourselves staggering and reeling. It was as if the earth was slipping gently from under our feet. Then came the sickening swaying of the earth that threw us flat upon our faces. We struggled in the street. We could not get on our feet.

Loma Linda, Calif., April 16, 1906
Testimonies for the church Volume 9 page 93 reads:
The destroying angels of God were at work. One touch, and buildings so thoroughly constructed that men regarded them as secure against every danger, quickly became heaps of rubbish. There was no assurance of safety in any place. I did not feel in any special peril, but the awfulness of the scenes that passed before me I cannot find words to describe. It seemed that the forbearance of God was exhausted, and that the judgment day had come.

source And it reads: Then it seemed as though my head were split with the roar that crashed into my ears. Big buildings were crumbling as one might crush a biscuit in one's hand. Ahead of me a great cornice crushed a man as if he were a maggot - a laborer in overalls on his way to the Union Iron Works with a dinner pail on his arm."
eye witness account (P. Barrett).

Loma Linda, Calif., April 16, 1906
Testimonies for the church Volume 9 page 93 reads: The angel that stood at my side then instructed me that but few have any conception of the wickedness existing in our world today, and especially the wickedness in the large cities. He declared that the Lord has appointed a time when He will visit transgressors in wrath for persistent disregard of His law.

A Narrow Escape

The quake awoke G.A. Raymond as he slept in his room at the Palace Hotel. He describes his escape:

"I had $600.00 in gold under my pillow. I awoke as I was thrown out of bed. Attempting to walk, the floor shook so that I fell. I grabbed my clothing and rushed down into the office, where dozens were already congregated. Suddenly the lights went out, and every one rushed for the door.

Outside I witnessed a sight I never want to see again. It was dawn and light. I looked up. The air was filled with falling stones. People around me were crushed to death on all sides. All around the huge buildings were shaking and waving. Every moment there were reports like 100 cannons going off at one time. Then streams of fire would shoot out, and other reports followed.

I asked a man standing next to me what happened. Before he could answer a thousand bricks fell on him and he was killed. A woman threw her arms around my neck. I pushed her away and fled. All around me buildings were rocking and flames shooting. As I ran people on all sides were crying, praying and calling for help. I thought the end of the world had come.

Loma Linda, Calif., April 16, 1906
Testimonies for the church Volume 9 page 93 reads :Many lives were blotted out of existence, and the air was filled with the shrieks of the injured and the terrified.

Panic among the survivors:an eye witness account.


Over in a corner of the plaza a band of men and women were praying, and one fanatic, driven crazy by horror, was crying out at the top of his voice:

'The Lord sent it, the Lord!'

His hysterical crying got on the nerves of the soldiers and bade fair to start a panic among the women and children, so the sergeant went over and stopped it by force. All night they huddled together in this hell, with the fire making it bright as day on all sides; and in the morning the soldiers, using their senses again, commandeered a supply of bread from a bakery, sent out another water squad, and fed the refugees with a semblance of breakfast."

Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 92, 93. (1909): Terrible as was the representation that passed before me, that which impressed itself most vividly upon my mind was the instruction given in connection with it. The angel that stood by my side declared that God's supreme rulership, and the sacredness of His law, must be revealed to those who persistently refuse to render obedience to the King of kings. Those who choose to remain disloyal, must be visited in mercy with judgments, in order that, if possible, they may be aroused to a realization of the sinfulness of their course.

This is only one account of how God reveal much to this little lady.I wonder why there is such an attack on her character and her message. Is the devil trying to prevent the inforrmation that this woman had from getting out.Is he trying to prevent the world from seeing the light .

Note when prophets of Old brought warnings false prophets will arise to nullify and neutralise the message. Take heed. you may want to take a look at The book click here the Great Controversy its even in Mp3 format on that site.

Ellen White click to see she was a true prophet of God or not.

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