Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Triple action authenticates Seventh Day Adventist view of Bible Prophecy

Now this is not an idle boast. This indeed sounds like an arrogant,dogmatic statement. But to whom much is given much is expected.Not only this.. When one stands on the authority of the word of God ..He can do so with confidence. LET THE BIBLE SPEAK TO US NOW.

The Bible says on the testimony of two a thing is established.Here is the proof.

Deuteronomy 17:6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.

Deuteronomy 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

Ruth 4:11 And all the people that were in the gate, and the elders, said, We are witnesses. The LORD make the woman that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build the house of Israel: and do thou worthily in Ephratah, and be famous in Bethlehem:

Matthew 18:16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

2Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

1Timothy 5:19 Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.

Hebrews 10:28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

Revelation 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

These are but a few statement to prove this fact. Here is the cherry on the cake.
Christ and The father Testify of The spirit. The spirit and Christ testify of the father,The father and the spirit confirms the son.
having said that.We move on to the this principle being applied to Bible prophecy.

It appears that there is a triple action law throughout the Bible.This is where something occurs only three times. If you add the first two histories you get the identical for the 3rd.
This laws involves types of threes .
An easy one is the "THREE ELIJAHs". There are many more in the Bible but i would highlight this one today.

The bible tells us plainly if you read carefully there are three Elijahs
1. Elijah
2. John the Baptist (Elijah 2) Matthew 17:10-12
3.The one more described in Malachi 4:5 ( Elijah 3 at the end of the world)

Now end time Bible students have unearth this pattern This technical yet precise patterns with the Elijah.


1. Elijah1(translated)-----Ahab------Jezebel------Prophets of Baal

2. John the Baptist(beheaded)----Herod------Herodias-----Salome

3. You and I Hopefully-------Dragon------Beast----False prophet (Rev16:13

Elijah 3 explained :You and me We are hopefully elijah 3, The UN is the civil authority represented as the dragon. sister white says kings and rulers (civil) take on the description as the dragon power.The Papacy the impure woman(harlot of Revelation) and finally the United states(Rev 13:13,14,15) showing false prophet qualities(the capital of protestism).

Notice all the impure women are in an adulterous relationship with the the Civil powers and it is the Elijahs that confronts them that cause the impure woman in all the scenarios to ask for the head of the messenger of God. But the plan is not a straight forward one to kill Gods messengers, Only when a deceptive dance is done the barbaric plan to kill God's messenger is reveal.

Take not the impure woman is always behind the scenes she is never at the confrontation between The Elijahs and the Civil power. But due to the deceptive dance done The heart of the Civil power is always won and the reward for such a dance is the head of Gods prophets.

Will God people be beheaded ? Some of them will be ,not all Read Rev 20:4 and a few verses before .
Will those who are not beheaded those who survive the slaughter of Daniel 11:44 and Revelation 13:15 be the 144,000

Lets continue to look in Gods words for answers He promise to give them before the great and dreadful day Daniel 12:10 ,Daniel 12:4 ..We will understand these things.. The Holy spirit will Guide us to all truth he is doing it now.

This law also applies to the 3 woes in Rev 9 and Rev 11 ( 911) God gave us the facts in long before hand)

I take no credit for this amazing find. see the links

Just found another one..

I heard it in a sermon its a good one ..

Tidings out of the East.There are more details of the tidings out of the east that identifies a particular people. but for now i just want to share the triple action..and this is also prophetic.I will probably post the details another time..

This one involves tiding out of the east that dethrones a kingdom and usher in the beginning of another. This one is also prophetic..

Wise men brought --Tidings out of the east ---troubles Herod. Matthew 2:1-19
Cyrus ----comes from the east--troubles Belshazzar .Daniel 5:1-31
Kings of the east(Rev16:12) brings ---Tidings from east---troubles the king of the North. (Daniel 11:4)

With the Wise men ,Cyrus,Kings of the east they all bring news which is good news but the news troubles the Kings

Cyrus was a "type" of Christ, his conquering Belshazzar's Babylon freed the people of Daniel the same people who broke the covenant made between themselves and God,which resulted in them being slaved to Nebuchadnezzar the grandfather of Belshazzar.

While Belshazzar was indulging in the pleasures of this life ,wine women and song. The writing appeared on the wall from a bloodless hand..We know the story Mene ,mene tekel upharsin Daniel 5:25 which actually means your kingdom has come to and end and divided. Daniel 5:26. That very night Cyrus' armies did one of the most marvelous military maneuvers by drying up the EUPHRATES that ran through the city river crept under the water barriers and enter into the city while Belshazzar and his people were intoxicated.That very night Belshazzar was killed and Babylon fell.
Here is evidence of the prophetical parallel in Rev16:12
Now : ..Before the cross all Prophetic utterances were literal example Numbers 24:17 talking about Christ coming( a star he calls it)..After the cross all prophetic utterances will come true (2Peter 1:19 ), but in a spiritual sense.

We know that waters and rivers represent people you can verify the long way here and here and here or the short route here :Rev17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

So in Revelation where it talks about the Euphrates being dried up we know its Spiritual Euphrates ,spiritual water,we know its the representation of water that is being dried up. This is the people being dried up.. Wait a min are you saying that people will literally dry up ..No .Am saying that people will spiritually be dried up from the Beast(The King of the North,The papacy).
How can a people be dried up..
Listen to this ..The Aids epidemic is drying up the people of Africa what does that mean ..Its destroying the Human resources.The potential.. of the people.

So in this sense in Rev its talking about the Euphrates drying up meaning all earthly support of people will be remove from Babylon(The Papacy)

So in this triple action it is clearly seen that when you add the histories of
  1. Tidings in the first history from the men from the east
  2. Tidings from the blood less hands of Cyrus coming who was from the east.
  3. You get history of the kings who are not literal kings but a people who will deliver a message so potent in righteousness it will bring down Babylons support symbolized as Euphrates or waters.. God foretold the fall of Modern end time Babylon in Daniel 11:44 and Revelation 16:12.
The details of the two histories when you add them gives you the end time details already told to us in Daniel and Revelation.

1 comment:

  1. It is so overwhelming how the Lord is revealing so many things to us in this time. I pray that we do feel the urgency of how important it is to study to show ourselves approved and also so that we can teach and be a messenger of light to so many who are lukewarm and cold. It also show ourselves that we need to improve so much. Blessings and safety Brother.


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