Thursday, September 16, 2010

The King of the North (Daniel 11:40-45 ) is bringing the fight to the West

Royalblood :Understanding Daniel 11:40-45 makes sence of all that is reported on the Papacy,Pope and the Mother church of Rome .Full study on Daniel 11:40-45 Final Events of Earth's history could be found here.

Or a brief overview that will takes 2 mins here

Note as usual my comments are in RED The rest is CNN

From CNN
source :

London, England (CNN) -- As the United Kingdom braces to receive one of the best-known and most controversial figures on the planet, Pope Benedict XVI, a question hangs over the state visit: Why is he coming?

The leader of the world's 1 billion-plus Catholics does not particularly like to travel, Benedict biographer David Gibson says.

Since a high-profile visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories nearly a year-and-a-half ago, he's gone only to a handful of small countries not far from Rome -- racking up nothing like the number of air miles logged by his predecessor, Pope John Paul II.

Note 1 : Bible says Daniel 11: 40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
The king of the North the Papacy is overthrowing countries but not with the sword,but by influence.

And the United Kingdom is not a Catholic country. On the contrary, Britain's break from Rome in the 16th century echoes, if faintly, to the present day, with laws on the books forbidding the heir to the British throne from marrying a Catholic.

In fact, the country is one of the less religious ones in Europe, home to vociferous critics of religion, like Richard Dawkins, and those who find belief in a higher power simply unnecessary, like Stephen Hawking.

Note 2 :Thanks to Martin Luther the bishop, Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, & Thomas Cranmer we had a movement towards Bible truth as oppose to Papal tradition (paganism baptise) of the Catholic church.This movement was incomplete due to the counter-reformation by the catholic church even persecuting the saints for 1260 years .This was known in the Latter end as the inquisitions. Hence we have Protestants those who protest These traditions and errors and Catholics. The staunches of protestants were Scotland Ireland and England. Hence it is a Mile stone a feat of epic proportion when the Queen of England receives the King of the North the Papacy In her House.

Public opinion on the eve of his visit ranges from indifference to downright hostility. There will be protests from critics who consider him a protector of pedophiles and from liberal Catholics who resent his staunch defense of orthodox doctrine.

And all this will play out in in front of the British media -- one of the world's most aggressive.

So why, aged 83 and happier at home, is the professorial vicar of Christ on earth stepping into the lion's den? It may be the very factors that seem to argue against his coming that impelled him to come, according to two experts.

This pope relishes a challenge, said John Allen, CNN's senior Vatican analyst. His "No. 1 priority is to combat secularism, and in some ways the United Kingdom is the dictionary definition of a post-religious society," Allen said. "He just created a whole new department in the Vatican to reawaken the faith in the West, and this trip is a chance to elaborate a strategy."

Note 3 :Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Benedict will make what the Vatican is billing as one of the major speeches of his papacy in London on Friday, making the case for religion over a purely secular society. Benedict biographer Gibson said the pope, formerly Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, has a history of rolling up his sleeves and taking on his intellectual opponents.

"He enjoyed it when he was cardinal -- going to various places and venues and presenting controversial views in a polemical tone," said Gibson, the author of "The Rule of Benedict." "Britain is such a redoubt of secularism, he can [try to] slay the dragon in its lair. He can't resist, really," Gibson said.

Note 4 : This Pope is a conqueror the exact image represented as the king of the North.
  • verse 40 "and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over."
  • verse 41 and many countries shall be overthrown. the word "coutries"is man's wisdom this is a translation input so it reads "and many shall be overthrown".
  • 42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
  • 43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, etc.
  • 44 go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many

A close confidant of Benedict made headlines shortly before the visit by likening London's Heathrow Airport to a Third World country, but Cardinal Walter Kasper also very pointedly criticized what many Christians see as enforced secularism in the United Kingdom.

While Benedict is picking a fight with secularism, he also needs to mend bridges with fellow Christians, both experts said. The Catholic Church moved surprisingly forcefully last year to make it easier for disaffected members of the Church of England to switch allegiance to Rome, sparking consternation in a deeply divided Anglican world.

Note5 : Secularism sounds like Egypt = Worldly Hmmm.. The Bible is never wrong .It is the most accurate record of Human History foretold. Hear what it says.
Daniel 11:42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.

Benedict "cares about relations with the Anglicans, seeing it as the model for relations with all the other Christian churches in the West," CNN's Allen said. Creating "new structures to welcome Anglican converts into the Catholic Church" is seen by many Anglicans "as poaching, so he needs this trip to mend fences."

Allen compared the trip to Britain to one Benedict made to Turkey in 2006 after the pope made controversial comments about Islam. On that trip, the pope appeared with a top Muslim religious leader at Istanbul's famous Blue Mosque. This week he will pray with the head of the Church of England, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, in London.

Note 6 : Even Islam one of the major players of the time of the end Welcomes the Mother Rome,It is she only than can rally the world to subdue the children of the East,the sons of Ishmael.

Gibson also sees an element of outreach to the Anglican archbishop in the pope's visit -- but also to his flock.

"He doesn't want to have bad relations with Rowan Williams, but he also makes very clear that he wants closer relations with traditional Christians," Gibson said. "He is looking for allies."

Note 7 :All Roads lead to Rome is not a cliché it is a prophetic fact.

Indeed, a leading voice for conservative members of the Church of England, Canon Chris Sugden, said, "Many orthodox Anglicans in England would feel that they share more in common with the pope than with the presiding bishop of the Episcopal church [Rowan Williams]."

Note :8 There you go, The reformation was a mistake! Was it ?

That doesn't mean Anglicans see eye-to-eye with the pope on a number of important theological issues, he said, but added, "We welcome the pope's visit because it raises many of the critical challenges to the current elite secularism that is being imposed on us," he said.

And if his religious message proves unpopular in Britain, particularly against the backdrop of the sex abuse scandals enveloping the Catholic Church, Benedict really doesn't mind, Gibson said. "He sees criticism almost as a form of persecution that reinforces the importance and the truth of his message," he said.

"He doesn't care about popularity and in fact revels a bit in drawing protests -- that whole dynamic of being despised proving your faith."

Coming under sufficiently intense criticism could even rebound in Benedict's favor, Gibson said. "British tabloids can be so over-the-top that they can prove his point," he said. "He could become a sympathetic figure."

Note 9 :The whole world will Wonder after the beast,Revelation 13:3 The deadly wound that was inflicted on THe Roman church removing her off the Throne of the Earth is being healed.

Visiting the United States three years ago boosted Benedict's popularity there, the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found. This visit could have a similar effect in the United Kingdom, Allen said.
Note 10: And He shall enter into the Glorious land does this sound familiar. 1st the Glorious land then the countries including Egypt. Daniel 11:41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.

Note 11 :The Glorious Land is the place where Gods people ,truth flourish it is a place where liberty of worship is paramount. Is there any place in the world where Protestantism flourished. Is there anywhere in the world where all or most protestants flock too runing away from Papal rule ? This land is no other but the United States of America ,This is the land flowing with milk and honey called the Glorious Land . But it is hardly glorious any-more because the King of the North The Papacy ,the mother Church of Rome, Mystery Babylon is conquering America by stealth at this moment. We are in Daniel 11:verse 41 But the end shall be rapid one

The Report ends this way :"My prediction: He'll do better than people expect," he said. "He usually does on the foreign trips."

Many God help us as the final movements of earths history are playing off right before our eyes.
Daniel 12:1 the verse just after Daniel 11:40-45 it says.

Daniel 12: 1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

Its not the New World Order you should should be concern about .It is the King of the North who once is reseated on the throne of the WHOLE Earth.Will do as Verse 41 in Daniel 11 he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.

We have a more sure word of prophecy 2 Peter 1:19 are you washed in the blood of the Lamb ? Give your life to Christ today ,Turn from sin live righteous,prepare for Judgements. Peace and love. Words in Red are those of Royalblood

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