Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Habemus Papum" — "We have a pope!" 1st Jesuite

Pope Francis I
Like Angelo Cardinal Scola, who was considered the frontrunner going into this conclave, Bergoglio is affiliated with the powerful lay movement Communion and Liberation. A Jesuit, pro-Franciscan, pro-CL, he unites a lot of tendencies within the current church.
People who worry that, as a Jesuit, he might be too liberal, should relax: A very conservative Jesuit priest of my acquaintance, who is unhappy with the liberal direction of his order, has been telling me for weeks that he supports Bergoglio for pope. Bergoglio is a solid conservative on the hot-button social issues that agitate American laity, but that would have been true of just about any of the cardinals who might have been elected today. The story here is that he is an outsider who is the consensus choice to fix what’s wrong with the church administration, but all in a Franciscan spirit of love and humility, to wipe the face of the church so that its inner beauty can radiate. St. Francis was called to “rebuild the church” – Pope Francis will act in that spirit.

"For me it was an inspired choice," says Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, former head of the Roman Catholic church in England and Wales. He says Pope Francis is a "humble man" whose own "simplicity of life" will inspire others. "The very name is indicative of a new style," he says.

History has it that From the cross in the neglected field-chapel of San Damiano, Christ told him, "Francis, go out and build up my house, for it is nearly falling down." Francis became the totally poor and humble workman. 
Is not the Catholic church fallen down with all shame of it that we hear  in the news.

A humble Pope :
As a champion of the poor and the most vulnerable among us, he carries forth the message of love and compassion that has inspired the world for more than two thousand years—that in each other we see the face of God.

Big on Social JusticeAs cardinal, he became known for his humility, doctrinal conservatism and a commitment to social justice.

This Pope is known as a reformer hence the name He selected  "St Francis"from which the new Bishop of Rome chose his name was said to be told By God To Rebuild the broken church. While the true church is beginning its gathering or rebuilding the old Waste places , the Beast Power of Revelation 13 is rebuilding also.So we expect an old school approach to the Papacy.

There is no doubt that the circumstances that led to his Cardinal Ratzinger's resignation and the appointment of this Pope is not a usual one.A conservative,reformer,a history of taking on politicians, man of the people, a social justice pusher and one big on Evangelistic efforts,The Papacy (king of the North Daniel 11:40-45 )is heading into an interesting phase of its existence.

The real news of the Papal power of Bible prophecy
The Papacy the Little Horn of Daniel 7

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